Aflateen – Social and Financial Education for Engagement, Entrepreneurship and Employment
Project duration: September 2019 – August 2021
Main Applicant: Csoport-teka
Partners: Children and Youth Support Organisation (Pomoć deci and Skola Dokoran - Wide Open School n.o.
This project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
The project aims to offer a solution for the lack of financial and entrepreneurial education in Hungary, Serbia and Slovakia. These three countries have been identified as the areas with high rates of youth unemployment in the region.
The plan of the project is to create and adapt a curriculum for the development of social and financial competences of young people ages 15-18, to be used by youth workers and teachers in their work, as well as to develop the training material for teachers and youth workers on how to educate young people in this field. During the training and delivery of the programme, we will directly involve 60 youth workers and teachers from 30 different NGOs and schools in three countries.
Using the resources, we aim to reach out to more than 600 people in the region. The main target groups of the project are young people and their parents. After the pilot phase of the project, we aim to spread the experiences of the programme to the wider audience of stakeholders through the organization of round-table events which will be organized in each partner country. Policy recommendations arising from the experience and results of the implementation of the programme in all three countries will be presented during the final conference organised by Children and Youth Support Organisation in Belgrade.